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Published : 2022-11-23

About the author(s)

1. NIKO HYKA - Department of Diagnostics, Faculty of Medical Technical Sciences, Medical University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania.
2. DAFINA XHAKO - Department of Physics Engineering, Faculty of Mathematical Engineering and Physical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania.
3. RUDINA OSMANAJ - Department of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana, Bvd: “Zog I”, Tirana, Albania.

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The computation methods of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) give possibilities to explore this theory in law energy regimes where nonperturbative methods can be applied. One of the main objectives in lattice QCD calculations is to find the lattice parameter a that it is called lattice scale. The best way to determine this parameter it is the behaviour of quark-anti quark potential. In lattice QCD simulations this potential can come out from calculating before the Wilson loops. In this work, we used dedicated software for lattice QCD simulation, called QCDLAB, version 2.0. In our simulations, to derive the interquark potential we have calculated only planar Wilson loops. As background field configurations of simulations, we have used SU (3) gauge field. These kinds of simulations are repeated for three different values of coupling constant (which means different background field configurations) and are tested increasing the volume of the lattice, specifically for 84 , 124 , and 164 . The calculations are repeated for 100 configurations of gauge fields which are statistically independent. Finally, we find the lattice scale for different lattice volume. If we have lattice space, we can take all physical quantity from quantity measured in lattice unit in physical quantity measured in the physical unit. In our previous work we use old software FERMIQCD for this purpose and now finally with help of author Artan Borici we can use an easy and more effective software such as QCDLAB, version 2.0.


Algorithms, Computational Methods, Lattice QCD, Lattice Space, QCDLAB2, Simulations, Wilson Loops.