1. CH. SRAVANTHI - School of Sciences, H & Sc (English), SR University, Telangana, India.
2. NALLALA. HIMA VARSHINI - School of Sciences, H & Sc (English), SR University, Telangana, India.
Language plays an important role for the purpose of communication. English language is known as international language and global means of inter-community communication. Developing of English language communication skills in students specially for engineering students resides in English language laboratory. Language lab provides opportunities to the students to communicate with the fellow students to overcome their struggles of learning language. The principle of English language lab is teacher-monitored system which is always in connection to the number of students who are with the zeal to learn the English language effectively. This paper mainly focuses on the learning process of the students in comparison to regular classroom, how language labs help students to improve their listening and communication skills, activities and presentations in the language laboratory will help students to improve their pronunciation skills, and these modern technology-based activities show any impact on student language learning. English language lab can be called by too many names multimedia language centre, multimedia language lab, language media centre, digital language lab. This paper also explains about the benefits of language lab. Based on the research it is found that students are with positive response. As Language lab creates a comfortable and confident learning atmosphere to the students. Implementing modern technology- based activities in lab helps students to shift from traditional class environment to modern one.
International Language, Language Lab, Digital Language Lab, Language Media Centre.