1. MOCHAMMAD AL MUSADIEQ - Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya. Malang – Indonesia.
2. RIYADI - Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya. Malang – Indonesia.
3. MUHAMMAD FAISAL RIZA - Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya. Malang – Indonesia.
4. ULUL ALBAB - Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Brawijaya. Malang – Indonesia.
This study aims to investigate the key factors for the success of the E-HRM system with the updated DeLone and McLean IS Success Model on E-HRM adoption and to investigate the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable in the Exploration of Successful E-HRM System Adoption. Specifically, the impact of: System Quality (X1) on System Use (Y1), Information Quality (X2) on System Use (Y1), Information Quality (X2) on E-User Satisfaction HRM (Y2), Service Quality (X3) on System Usage (Y1) on E-HRM User Satisfaction (Y2), System Use (Y2). System Usage (Y1) on E-HRM Successful Systems (Y3), E-HRM Successful Systems (Y3). The author of the study uses a quantitative approach. Data analysis from the research results used the structural equation modeling (SEM) test. Data collection uses the survey method by distributing a list of questions in the form of a questionnaire. The analytical method that the writer uses is descriptive statistics. The data that has been collected is then tabulated in tables, and a descriptive study is carried out. The tool used for data analysis is SmartPLS 4.0. From the process of testing the relationship between indicators and latent variables, testing the relationship between latent variables, and testing the fit of the model, a final model that fits simultaneously has been found. The results of the construct validity and reliability test values with the loading factor indicator values of the six variables tested showed a value of > 0.7; only two indicators were invalid. Of the nine hypotheses, there are six significant hypotheses, while three of them are not significant. And of the six variables, all are interconnected in driving the successful adoption of the E-HRM system.
E-HRM; System Quality; System Use; User and System Satisfaction.