1. RAMY SAYED ABDELHAMID - Student, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim Perak,
2. R. L. ZURAIDA - Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong
Malim Perak, Malaysia.
This scientific study assessed the correlation between effectiveness of using illustrated English language dictionary and motivation of students’ learning in Sharjah School in UAE. The notable study applied a quasi-experimental research design. A sample of 120 participants out of 240 study population were chosen using Slovenes formula. The scholar utilized sampling strategies like simple random sampling and cluster sampling modus operandi to gather data for the research systematic study. Data was garnered using prior knowledge test, pre-test, post-test and motivation survey tools which were used for the control and the treatment group. Data was examined using inferential analysis, independent t-tests, paired sample t-tests and statistical product service solutions with the significance level below 0.05 .The research logical study results revealed that there was a significant correlation between illustrated English language dictionary and motivation of students’ learning in Sharjah School in UAE. It was therefore concluded that pupils who used the Illustrated Dictionary were able to be motivated and study more effectively than their peers who did not make use of the Illustrated Dictionary. The rational research study recommended that schools in UAE should buy enough illustrated dictionaries and put them in their libraries in order for students to access them and use them to improve on their academic achievement.
Illustrated dictionary, Students’ learning, Motivation, UAE.