1. RIMSHA KHALID - Department of Information Technology, Superior University Lahore, 54000, Pakistan.
2. MUHAMMAD WASEEM IQBAL - Department of Software Engineering, Superior University Lahore, 54000, Pakistan.
3. NOOR SAMAND - Department of Computer Science Superior University Lahore, Pakistan.
4. MARYAM ISHFAQ - Department of Computer Science Superior University of Okara, Pakistan.
5. RAMEEZA RASHED - Doctor of Physiotherapy, Department of Health and Rehabilitation Science, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.
6. SHAHARYAR RAFIQ - Department of Software Engineering, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan.
Eyesight is the most significant sense of all human senses, and it is essential for comprehending our surroundings. However, millions of individuals around the world suffer from visual impairment. A lot of work has been done to solve the problem of visually impaired people. But all of these have ignored the user's genuine requirements. This project has chosen to address a problem that affects the visually impaired. Crossing a road; or, to be more precise: Recognition of Pedestrian Traffic Lights. First, we tried to uncover the challenges and needs that visually impaired people face when crossing a signalized intersection in order to explain the supporting system for them to cross safely at a signalized intersection. A literature review was conducted, the existing techniques provided in them were reviewed and a critical analysis was given by combining them into a table. Well, we have suggested a talking cap as a solution for the visually impaired to understand the traffic lights. A camera will be embeded on the top of cap that will take an image of the current situation. It will just scan the traffic lights, identify the color and give the output through voice in earphones. And user can hold a simple stick just for its stability and balance support. In which the output will be given through voice. And its effectiveness was evaluated by experimenting in the school. Three usability parameters were then used for analysis and we found a very good user experience for effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. Overall scores are recorded as effectiveness is 87.50%, efficiency is 87.01%, and satisfaction results are 82%. This research could have an important impact on resolving VIs issues because it provides guidelines and strategies for developing a user-friendly, user-interactive design and open new doors for the researcher to invent something different which can meet the actual requirements of a user.
Visually Impairment, VIBs, Detection, Recognition, Traffic Intersections, Pedestrians.