1. KYIALBEK SAKIBAEV - Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy with a Course of Constitutional Human Typology, Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.
2. DMITRY NIKITYUK - FSBS “The Federal Research Centre of Biotechnology and Food Safety”, Ustinsky proezd, Moscow, Russia & Department of Human Anatomy, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia.
3. KANYMGUL ASANBEK KYZY - Department of Anatomy, Histology and Normal Physiology, Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.
4. AIPERI ALIMBEKOVA - Department of Anatomy, Histology and Normal Physiology, Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.
5. ZHOROEVA AIMEERIM - Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy with a course of Constitutional Human Typology, Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.
6. SHAMIRBEK BERKMAMATOV - Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy with a course of Constitutional Human Typology, Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.
7. ZHANYBAI MAMAZHAKYP UULU - Department of Surgical Dentistry and Pediatric Dentistry, Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.
This work aim was to identify quantitative data on the absolute and relative content of body fat component in mature age girls and women with various constitutions. Physical status of 580 girls and women from adulthood 1st and 2nd periods in Kyrgyz ethnic women residing in Osh city and around Osh city, Kyrgyzstan examined by complex anthropometry and somatotyping methods. To assess the body fat component content, they were resorted by bioimpedancemetry method using the ABS-01 Medass device. By means of Microsoft Excel programs, the package STATISTICA version 6.0, all the statistical information obtained in a work were processed. In the sample we studied, women with leptosomal constitutional group accounted for 20%, mesosomal 32%, megalosomic 33%, and 15% were women from indefinite group. Noteworthy are the fat component percentages. In girls with leptosomal group, these values are 1.8 times higher than in girls with a mesosomal constitution (p < 0.05), 1.6 times (p < 0.05), compared with girls from megalosomal group, but at the same time (p < 0.05) 1.7 times lower in contrast to the indefinite group. In 1st period of mature age women with leptosomal constitution, the fat component percentage is 2.1 times (p < 0.05) lower than in women with mesosomal constitution, 1.8 times (p < 0.05 with megalosomal and 1.9 times (p < 0.05) with an indefinite constitution. This indicator is 1.8 times (p < 0.05) less in representatives of mesosomal, megalosomal and indefinite groups in women of the 2nd period of the mature age of leptosomal constitution. The personal maximum of absolute and percentage fat component content in 2nd period mature age women is mainly greater than in girls. The presented digital materials indicate the presence of significant constitutional and age-related features of body fat component (both absolute and relative values of this indicator), which may be important for practical and theoretical medicine.
Somatotype, girls and women of mature age, anthropometry, bio-impedancemetry, body composition, fat component.