1. IMANE MEHDI - PhD Scholar, Mohammadia School of Engineers, Morocco.
2. EL MOSTAPHA BOUDI - Professor, Mohammadia School of Engineers, Morocco.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a standardized method for assessing the environmental impacts of a product, as defined by ISO 14040:2006 and ISO 14044:2006. It allows the environmental footprint of a product to be calculated for all the different stages of its life cycle (raw material extraction, manufacturing, transport, use and end of life) based on a set of representative product environmental indicators (climate change, natural resources, ozone, toxicity, Eco toxicity...). Conducting a life cycle assessment (LCA) requires the processing, the calculation, and the analysis of a wide range of information. The use of LCA software facilitates these different phases, guaranteeing transparency and traceability. In this study, a simplified LCA is carried out for a mechatronic system, which is a regenerative braking system, especially for production phase. CML baseline 2000 method was used for the life cycle impact assessment using Open LCA software. The purpose of this study is to quantify the environmental impact associated with the production of a regenerative braking system and to pinpoint the environmental hotspots across the individual components and links constituting such systems.
Eco-design, Life cycle assessment, Simplified LCA, design for environment, mechatronic systems environmental assessment, Open LCA, environmental hotspot, CML Baseline.