1. NGUYEN VAN CHUONG - Department of Crop Science, Agricultural Faculty of An Giang University, Vietnam National University,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 18 Ung Van Khiem St., Long Xuyen city, An Giang province.
2. NGUYEN NGOC PHUONG TRANG - Student of Agricultural Faculty of An Giang University, Vietnam National University, Ho
Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Nutrient deficiencies of the agricultural soil are expected to pose serious challenges for the future crop production. Therefore, it is really necessary to find organic manures, which contain high nutrients to promote the growth and yields of crops is indispensable. Black Soldier Fly manure has been an opportunity to reproduce organic nutrients for agricultural soils. The field research contributed to access the sustainable farming by BSF manure as an organic fertilizer (insect frass). The present study that was carried out in Chomoi district, Angiang province, Vietnam had five treatments and four repeats. These study results were shown that combination of BSF manure and NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of chilli pepper were significantly affected by treatment CP4 and CP5. Application of 90N:60P:60K kg/ ha, 1.5 t CaCO3/ ha combination with 10.0 t BSF/ ha obtained the maximum growth properties such as the plant height, number of shoots and leaves per plant. furthermore, productivity of fresh chilli pepper, which was 16,7 t/ ha, was the higher than those of other treatments from 24 to 66.0 %. From above study results, this is a optimal solution for managing the soil nutrient plant yield.
Black Soldier Fly manure, Chilli pepper, growth, lime, NPK, yield.