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Published : 2022-11-10

About the author(s)

1. Dr. ING ALMA GOLGOTA - “ Aleksander Moisiu” University, Durres, Albania.
2. Dr. ING DIANA BARDHI - Metropolitan Tirana University, Albania.

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Road infrastructure projects after the realization of their investment affected by two main difficulties: a) complexity of each project as a function of a) classification based on the Highway Code and road design standards, as well as b) the risks that threaten progress throughout the life cycle of road use. In these conditions, the implementation of successful and effective means, techniques of effective management of funds in function of benefit from the users of the road infrastructure, becomes necessary for the achievement of the objectives during maintenance, objectives aimed at minimizing fuel costs, preserving means of transport, reducing the number of accidents. Albanian Roads Authority is the administration body under the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, which govern the maintenance process of the roads network. Another agency of road infrastructures is Albanian Development Fund, which managed the funds for the construction of regional, urban infrastructures road and rural roads. The developed strategy for efficiency management of the investment are based on the financial management, putting the accounting and technical principles in force and the efficiency in the use of funds for improvements. This includes using a balance of investments made to launch a database over years and developing basic documents for planning and controlling spending in such activities. The question raised and require deep analysis is: i. How possible is to calculate the accept value for the road infrastructure on its useful life, using the principles of valuation of properties for assets applied internationally? The economic and technical of property evaluation theory of the investments is consider in this study. International and national standards is applied. The results show that for a better control of huge budget charged in infrastructure construction, within useful time of their design construction, the principles of property valuation and accounting are suitable for efficiency infrastructure management. The key immediately aspect is the creation of the database, update the inventory for all road categories and prioritize refinancing and maintaining in long term of road assets. the based on technical, economical and social indicator.


Infrastructure, asset management valuation, lifetime payment, real valuation.