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Published : 2023-07-23

About the author(s)

1. Dr. TAWEESAK THEPPITAK - Professor, Faculty of Logistics, Burapha University, Thailand.

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Nowadays, tourism has become a significant industry in Thailand’s economy. After COVID-19 epidemic, growth rate and number of tourists to Thailand is continuously decreasing. However, nowadays, Thai government attempts to boost tourism industry and enhance tourism competitiveness. Koh Lan is a beautiful case study of Thai tourism today. It is an island just out from the beaches of Pattaya City, 100 kilometers away from Bangkok. This study applies principles of logistics management to the tourism industry under the hypothesis that moving tourists from Pattaya to Koh Lan more efficiently and effectively, including providing an effective transport networking system, increase and support tourism on Koh Lan. The objective is to examine an appropriate demand forecast model for tourism on Koh Lan. The result from this examination uses for logistics planning, and developing infrastructure systems and facilities, including strategies for transport networks and logistics systems to support the future growth of tourists into the next decade. Data is collected from secondary and primary sources. The questionnaire is distributed to 350 potential participants, with 245 questionnaires being returned, for a 70 percent return rate. 28 tourists are interviewed. Validity and reliability are examined using statistical methods and experts. The result reveals that a time series would be an appropriate model for a demand forecast. Tourism logistics on Koh Lan has not been integrated as seamless. Foreign tourists are majority group to generate high revenue. They have high expectation to effective logistics system to ensure sufficiently safe, security, comfort and affordable. However, tourism industry on Koh Lan will be increasingly growing up in the next decade. This study shows that effectively designed infrastructure systems and facilities are required to support sustainable tourism on Koh Lan. Finally, reverse logistics system for garbage disposal management needs to be effectively utilized. Rapidly increasing garbage and pollutions are a problematic issue for logistics related to a sustainable, green, eco-friendly environment.


Tourism, Logistics, Island, SERVQUAL, Sustainable Development.